Maple 3 Maple Water, Chosen to Hydrate Yogis in Vancouver

Maple 3 Water Hydration for Yoga Training

Maple 3 supports active and healthy communities because physical activity will always make you feel better! “On International Yoga Day, Maple 3 Maple Water settled into one of our yoga classes at Kitsilano Beach and kept everyone hydrated with their delicious pure maple water, the local version of it. 'coconut water! "

Maple 3 Water to Hydrate Yogis

Especially when exercising on hot summer days, be sure to hydrate yourself completely!

Maple Water was first adopted by Yogis to stay hydrate during exercise. Recently, many more athletes choose natural and plant-based beverages instead of artificial and sugary sports drinks, as they are usually lower in calories and very clean label.

#healthyhydration #yoga #drinkmaplewater #tapintonature #soifdenature

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