A Light and Healthy Maple Water Oatmeal!

Maple Water Oatmeal

Naturally sweeten your oatmeal with maple water

You've probably heard that breakfast was the most important meal of the day! Why not take the opportunity to make a healthy oatmeal, naturally sweetened with Maple 3 maple water? What we suggest to you is a nutritious, high in protein, vitamins and low in sugar oatmeal.
Maple Water Sweetened Oatmeal
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • 1L of maple water
  • 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds
  • 2 tablespoons of chia seeds
  • Add your favorite fresh fruits according to the season (bananas, blueberries, raspberries, clementines)
* If you like, collect the almond powder from the almond milk recipe to add some proteins to your oatmeal.
  • Bring 1L of Maple 3 maple water to a boil, then close the ring (option of making 750 ml of maple water and 250 ml of maple almond milk - see recipe)
  • Add the 1/2 cup of oatmeal
  • Stir for 5-7 minutes to achieve desired consistency
  • Transfer to a bowl and let cool slightly
  • Decorate the first half with the chia and hemp seeds first, then add the fresh fruit to the other half.
Happy tasting and keep it up maintaining a good health!

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